Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Papanasi para Manuel

I know these are your favourite desert from Romania so these are for you ;)! And a big smile!

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Delicious pineapple and yoghurt cake

This is a fantastic cake if you are on the look for something very fresh and easy to prepare. I made this for my mom but I started tasting it without her and now it seems I cannot stop :D!! You can find the recipe here: http://www.e-retete.ro/retete/prajitura-cu-iaurt-si-ananas.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

La multi ani, Anca!!!

This is specially for you, Anca! A surprising cake..just like you..tough on the outside and soft on the inside :D! Although you may be far away now, have a great birthday! La multi ani!!!

happy b-day ;)

Pineapple and walnuts cake to celebrate Alfredo and my b-day..I'm already thinking of the next cake..this one is history :D!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

La multi ani, mami!

To get in the spring mood, nothing better than a light cheese cake with kiwi! Happy birthday to all of you ladies!

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Coffee cookies

Me and my mom we are coffee lovers..and if it's accompanied by some cookies even better. This helps to start the day with more energy! The recipe is signed by Jamie Oliver and it's perfect to make anyone happy in the morning..

Sunday, 1 March 2009

1 Martie

To celebrate the coming of spring I thought to make a white and red cake. Well it didn't turn quite like planned but it was very good nonetheless..this is the last piece that was left standing :D which I almost forgot to take a picture of. So a happy happy spring to all!!